Vibrant, beautiful hair color easily at home? This is how you choose the right shade!
Hair coloring at home: a threat or a possibility? When you stick to small changes and choose a gentle and professional hair color, success is easy. It’s convenient to dye your hair in your own bathroom with professional-quality Four Reasons Takeaway Color demi-permanent hair colors that will leave your hair with a lovely gloss and a rich shade that will soften over time.
At some point in our lives, each of us has stood in front of the shelves of a department store and stared at the huge wall of home colors with mixed feelings. Should I? What if the end result is terrible? You were probably right, and it is that one coloring that you should have left undone. You know what we are talking about, admit it. On the way to successful home dyeing, you need to take important steps, the first of which is choosing the right shade.

# 1 Think about what kind of change you need.
The best hair changes start with dreams. Forget about color trends and think about what hair color would accentuate your personality. You are gorgeous, let it show! We recommend traditional ways to get inspiration: browse Instagram, get lost on Pinterest, and watch cartoons (if you’re dreaming of glowing red hair, you cannot find a more blazing shade than Ariel’s).
# 2 Consider the current color of your hair.
Unfortunately, not all changes are possible to achieve at home. Before choosing a new shade, check what your hair is like at the moment. Pure light, light, light brown, brown or black: on what scale of darkness would you place your own hair? The condition of the hair can also affect the color result.

#3 Remember that demi-permanent hair colors will not lighten hair that has already been colored.
Is your hair already dyed? In that case, you cannot select a shade that is lighter than your own shade, as the color does not lighten your current hair color. This means that you should always choose the shade on the basis of the darkest area of your hair. If your hair is completely natural, meaning it hasn’t been dyed before, the color may lighten a little!
# 4 Leave radical changes to the hairdresser.
A good rule of thumb for choosing a suitable shade for home dyeing is that the shade should differ from the current one by no more than two degrees of darkness. This is recommended because, in larger changes, the risk of achieving a completely wrong result is considerable: for example, when pure blond, bleached hair is dyed brown, the result is often green. Yes, you heard right: green. If the Shrek look is not your thing, reserve an appointment with the hairdresser.
Four tips read? Let’s revise:
Hair coloring at home is a good option when the changes to be made are minor. Major changes, such as switching from dark to light (or platinum blonde to chocolate brown), are best left to a professional. If you’ve dyed your hair at home, know how to follow instructions and aren’t dreaming about complicated highlights or major color changes, home dyeing is for you.
Our favorite is Four Reasons Original Takeaway Color! This vegan, ammonia-free and fragrance-free demi-permanent hair color is gentle on your hair and makes your (small) hair dreams come true easily in your bathroom.